Hello, my love,
I'm Rachel.
Unlock your sacred genius
tantric embodiment

what you DESIRE to EXPERIENCE already
My deepest passion in life is to turn the entire universe on to its innate undeniable essence.
To empower people to be their most ignited, present and authentic version of themselves, moment to moment. All beings come into this life seeking connection. My mission is to help guide you to the limitless connection that lies within you.
I grew up in Miami where I overcame great sickness from birth to the age of 8. In and out of hospitals with meningitis, severe asthma, a collapsed lung and multiple broken bones, my first years in this lifetime were about cultivating inner strength and resilience. This taught me about the divine intelligence of the body and the irrefutable magic of unconditional love.
The journey of dodging death multiple times led me to become a modern day sacred rebel. I formed an insatiable thirst for the self. To know the inner workings of our consciousness, to understand the energetics of the body, the unique essence of the spirit and how they work together as one. I've spent the last 20 years steeped in the discovery of who and what we are.
Immersed in the modeling industry from the age of 5, I was privileged enough to learn about the body and the correlation of our internal thoughts creating our external world. From these experiences I viscerally understood that heaven and hell are both created within our own mind and mirrored back to us in our reality. This thrust me even deeper into spiritual techniques and inner awareness of the mind to teach myself how to overcome mental suffering, body shaming and debilitating self-esteem so I could truly understand the magnificent healing power of self love.
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the next PROFOUND
INITIATION was understanding
I felt my sexual and sensual energy turned on at a very young age. I was aware it was strong and even more so, acutely aware of the power it had over other people. This got me into quite a bit of trouble in my late teens and 20’s amidst the confusion of being a model and being programmed to use my body and beauty as a weapon to gain status and even love.
Through irresponsibly using this power I created destruction, thrusting me down a path of confusion, self rejection and defeat. After countless scenarios that left me feeling ashamed and shutdown, I turned off my sexual and sensual energy, labeling it bad, wrong and evil; abandoning half of who I was, to live a life in the “light”. Through this incredibly transformational journey of losing myself, in order to find myself once more, I have made it my mission to continue to teach myself and all women how to be Responsibly Wild.
To learn how to integrate our divine power, creative life force and sensually charged essence as a tool for good. To liberate and expand all beings around us.
I have found that this is not just my story but the story of many women. My desire is to help us all reclaim our divine feminine energy. The radiance and gentle, profound power that is our birth right. May we together become living, breathing, walking, permission slips for all to be turned on, tuned in and in alignment with our innate wisdom and holy expression.

let the RUPTURE
lead youTO REBIRTH.
I have been drinking up the knowledge from all forms of spiritual and human development for 20+ years, starting my journey into yoga at the tender age of 12. I have been absorbed in the modalities of yoga, meditation, breath work, voice release, philosophy, somatic healing, dance and tantra as a way to understand the power of relating, first to ourselves and therefore the world around us.
I have a unique ability to see the energies that live within people. Where the energy is moving freely or where it may be stuck. I love to support people in remembering and recognizing their unique energetic imprints. To tune into their sacred genius and learn how to channel that essence into yourself, your relationships and the world.
I specialize in Communication Alchemy, Sensuality through Embodiment, Trauma Release and Dynamic Tantra. My teachings are steeped in the awareness of self and unlocking the bodies physical and emotional contractions to merge with the moment, becoming a master of energy and creation.
My mission in life is to guide people to their deepest purpose through realigning them with their spirit, their physical form and affording them the limitless energy and confidence to live the life of their dreams.
This Practice is about the ineffable essence that dwells inside of you. The spirit of the earth that is yearning to come out. To be recognized, to be claimed, to be fully expressed... through you. As you.
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